Morning Services - 6:30 AM The Bnos Israel Mikvah will have men's hours 10 AM to 1 PM. Please click here to review mikvah protocols. Mincha - 3:30 PM
Candle Lighting - 6:13 PM
Kol Nidre - 6:15 PM
Yom Kippur Day
Morning Services - 8:30 AM (Yizkor - approximately 10:30 AM) Evening Services - 4:30 PM (Neilah - approximately 5:30 PM) Yom Tov ends - 7:12 PM (Havdalah with candle lit before Yom Kippur began)
Youth Groups
Groups for kids in grades k-5 will run on Yom Kippur day 10:45 am to 12:15 am
Tot Time on Yom Kippur
Children ages 0-5 and their parents, are invited for toddler programs on Yom Kippur Day, 11 AM - 12 PM in classroom 3.
For families with children age 5 and under, babysitting will take place in Classroom 3. For times and to register, click here
CBAJ thanks the following families for their generous donations making our High Holy Days possible
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Bomzer
donated a new High Holy Days Torah mantle
in memory of Rabbi Bomzer's parents Rabbi Chaim Zev Bomzer z"l & Rebbetzin Leona Bomzer z"l
The Schwartz family
donated a new High Holy Days Torah mantle
in memory of Arthur Schwartz z"l
Nanette and Artie Brenner
donated five new tallitot
used for the first time this High Holy Days season
Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob
380 Whitehall Rd
Albany, NY 12208