HALACHIC NOTICE: ETROG DISPOSAL This past year was the Shemitah year in Israel, and the etrogim that CBAJ distributed were grown in Israel during the Shemitah Year. This means that our etrogrim have the kedusha (sanctity) of shemitah year produce, and must be treated with extra reverence. The etrogim may be disposed of in one of the two ways: 1. The etrogim may be eaten. The seeds may be disposed of normally, however the peels should be treated in accordance with option 2. for disposal. Please note: Concerns have been raised about the heavy use of pesticides in etrogim. You are encouraged to look into this independently before eating your etrog. 2. They may be allowed to rot or shrivel up beyond the point of consumption, and then disposed of respectfully (i.e. by burying it or by wrapping it up and then disposing into garbage). Nothing may be done to actively hasten the etrog decomposing-it must be passively allowed to shrivel up. Either way, the etrog should ideally be disposed of or eaten by Tu Bishvat (February 6, 2023).
Hoshana Rabah Sunday, October 16 Morning service 8:00 AM Candle Lighting 5:53 PM Mincha followed by Ma'ariv 5:50 pm
Shemini Atzeret Monday, October 17 Morning Services with Yizkor 9:00 AM Mincha followed by Ma’ariv 5:50 PM with class by Torah Tours guest Gillian Herszage with Simchat Torah Hakafot Pre-Hakafot dinner will be served to children (3rd grade & under) at 5:45 pm Candle Lighting After 6:52 PM Pizza Dinner 8:15 PM Simchat Torah Tuesday, October 18 Morning Services 9:00 AM With Hakafot, Women's Torah Reading, Simchat Torah Honorees Followed by the Annual Ungerman Breakfast & Lunch Evening Services 5:50 PM with class by Torah Tours guest Baruch Lerman Yom Tov ends 6:51 PM
NCSY Albany chapter Shabbaton October 16-18 (Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah): "The Real Joy Simchaton" Sunday, October 16 7pm: Carlos and Gabby’s Simcha Dinner: CBAJ Sukkah (CBAJ Social Hall-if rain) Monday, October 17 4:30pm: Hakafot Pre-Game Show: CBAJ Chapel/Classrooms Tuesday, October 18 3:30: Simcha of Torah Chill (Senior NCSY Grades 8-12): CBAJ Classrooms Games, Chaburas, Desserts Tefilah, Hakafot, and meals (Monday night and Tuesday morning & afternoon) with CBAJ.
We are also excited to welcome back Yeshiva University's Torah Tours!
Youth Groups Groups for kids in grades k-5 will begin on Monday at 10:00 am. On Tuesday (Simchat Torah day), groups will run from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (approximtely after breakfast until the end of davening).
Babysitting Babysitting for children 5 and under will begin at 10 am on Monday & Tuesday
Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob 380 Whitehall Rd Albany, NY 12208