The beautiful season of Yamim Noraim is upon us. The excitement is growing as the High Holy days of awe come closer. Like many of you, I am busy thinking about preparing special holiday foods, cleaning, and getting excited to welcome our family and guests who will be joining us.
This is also the time for deep reflection, a time to find our real selves, our potential in life, wondering if we achieved our goals and thinking about how we can improve.
With my first year serving as CBAJ President behind me, I am filled with gratitude for this community, people who go above and beyond on a regular basis. No fan fair, no need for praise, just quietly, persistently, lovingly, taking care of our Shul and each other.
When our recent guest speaker announced that although she has been to many, many shuls over her long career, ours is the friendliest one she’s ever been to, I couldn’t stop smiling. That was a proud moment.
I am proud that we understand what it takes to run a Shul, making it a place everyone who wants to be a member or participate in a program is able to, no matter their financial situation.
I am proud that you will contribute what you can to sustain our beloved CBAJ.
Your donation contributes to our biggest annual fundraiser. The Chai Campaign supports our educational initiatives, social programs, celebrations, holidays, and helps to ensure all who want to participate are welcome.
You can make your donation byclicking on this link, contacting the office, or sending in a check.
May we all be inscribed for a year of success, good health, happiness and meaning in our lives.
With warmest regards, Laura Segal President, Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob
Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob 380 Whitehall Rd Albany, NY 12208