LAST CALL TO REGISTER: Scholar-in-Residence Friday Night Dinner - November 10
11/06/2023 01:43:54 PM
Date Added
We are excited to announce our next Scholar-in Residence November 10 - 11 Parshat Vayera
Rabbi Moshe Kurtz will join CBAJ for special lectures and to discuss his new book. Rabbi Kurtz uses the lens of halacha (Jewish law) to explore contemporary issues.
To start things off CBAJ will host a Friday Night Dinner
PLEASE REGISTER HERE (prior registration required to attend - deadline Tues. 11/7, 9:00 am) We are still looking for a few more sponsors!
Schedule of events Friday Night Dinner 5:30 pm Lecture & Discussion 6:30 pm (following dinner)
Shabbat morning lecture & discussion: Harmful Speech, Sensitivity, and "Political Correctness" following morning services
Simcha Kiddush following Shabbat morning lecture
Shabbat Afternoon Shiur (in lieu of weekly Talmud Class) Is it ever 'Too Hot' for Halachah? Exploring the Concepts of איסטניס and מצטער. 4:30-5:30 pm (followed by Maariv)
Dessert Reception, book signing, and discussion Saturday evening 7:00 pm
about Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
Rabbi Kurtz is the assistant rabbi of Congregation Agudath Sholom in Stamford, CT, where he lives with his wife, Marisa, and their beloved daughter, Talya.
Rabbi Kurtz lectures on a range of contemporary issues, including political correctness, nationalism, and gender identity, through the halachic lens. His writings have appeared in forums such as The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society (“RJJ Journal”), Panim Journal, Tradition, The Lehrhaus, and Torah Musings.
He recently published his first sefer, Challenging Assumptions (Mosaica Press, 2023).
Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob 380 Whitehall Rd Albany, NY 12208