Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayeilech - Selichot September 8 - 9, 2023
Candle Lighting 6:59 pm
Friday Evening Services 7:00 pm
Morning Services Shabbat 9:00 am
Latest Shema 9:40 am Kiddush following services
Babysitting 10:00 am
Youth Groups 10:00 am
Talmud Class 5:50 pm
Shabbat Mincha & Seudah Shlishit 6:50 pm
Shabbat Maariv 7:49 pm Shabbat ends 7:59 pm
Selichot - Saturday Night 10:00 PM
TORAH READING Deuteronomy 29:9 - 31:30, Artscroll p. 1086 Haftarah: Isaiah 61:10 - 63:9, p. 1202 SPEAKER Rabbi Kean will deliver a Dvar Torah Shabbat morning.
KIDDUSH Kiddush is sponsored by Andrea & Ari Fisher in honor of the aufruff and upcoming marriage of their son Joshua Fisher to Eliana Pransky, daughter of Dr. Seth & Susan Pransky. Mazal tov to all! Kiddush will be a dairy luncheon (with washing and Birkat Hamazon).
SEUDAH SHLISHIT Seudah Shlishit this Shabbat is sponsored by CBAJ.
MAZAL TOV Mazal tov to CBAJ members Millie & Daniel Grossberg on the marriage of their daughter Sharona Grossberg and Alex Schudrich.
WELCOME Please join us this Shabbat in welcoming Yonah Schneier, CBAJ's new Youth Director. We will kick off youth groups for children grades K-5 this Shabbat!
On behalf of Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob, I would like to wish you and your family a restful and meaningful Shabbat.
I hope to see you soon at a tefilah, children's program, event, or class!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Ben Kean
NCSY KICKOFF EVENT Saturday, September 9, 8:30 pm
SUKKAH BUILDING EVENT Calling all volunteers for the first part of our annual Sukkah Building at CBAJ, immediately following morning services this Sunday, September 10 (approx. 8:40 am).
APPLE PICKING Meet up with your CBAJ community this Sunday, September 10 at 2:00 pm at Indian Ladder Farms for some Fall fun!
TORAH HIGH OPEN HOUSE For teens in grades 8-12 Monday, September 11, 7:30-9:00 pm
See below for more information on these events
NCSY Kickoff Event Saturday, September 9, 8:30 pm Join your friends for pizza making at CBAJ with Yonah Schneier, our new NCSY coordinator. For grades 6-12.
Torah High 5784 (2023-2024) For teens in grades 8-12 Open House: Monday, September 11, 7:30-9:00 pm Semester begins Monday, October 9. Classes are every Monday, 7:00-9:00 pm. Dinner is served. Please contact Rabbi Kean to learn more.
Youth Groups Begins this Shabbat, September 9 For children in grades k-5. 10:00 am every Shabbat morning in classroom 1. Join groups for fun, friends, and learning about tefilah and parsha! Teens: If you/your teen is interested in working as a teen group leader, contact Rabbi Kean. Tot Shabbat Next Tot Shabbat: Rosh Hashanah Day 1 (Sept. 16) For children ages 0-5 and their parents at 10:30 am in classroom 3. Please contact Joshua Schulman-Marcus ( if you would like to be added to the Young Families WhatsApp group. Babysitting Babysitting is available for children ages 0-5 every Shabbat morning for from 10:00-11:30 am! You do not need to be a member to drop off your kids. At least one parent or guardian must be at CBAJ for the duration of babysitting. Babysitting will take place in Classroom 3. The babysitters will bring the kids to Kiddush, please remember to pick up your kids when babysitting ends! Please make sure to inform the babysitters if your child has any food allergies/restrictions. Children in diapers may participate, but babysitters will not be able to change diapers, so please check on kids in diapers.
NACH YOMI On Hiatus until Selichot conclude (resumes Sept. 26) Join Rabbi Kean for studying a chapter of NACH (Nevi'im & Ketuvim, the latter two sections of Jewish scripture) every weekday before Shacharit, Sunday through Friday, half an hour before the regular start time for morning services (7:30 am on Sundays, 6:10 am Monday - Friday) - in the social hall.
TORAH & TEA* Thursday mornings, 9:30 - 10:30 AM on Zoom*. Studying II Kings. * A Theodore Strauss z"l Endowment Fund sponsored program
TALMUD CLASS - 5:50 pm this Shabbat Join our Shabbat Afternoon TALMUD SHIUR in-person, at CBAJ, starting 1 hour before Mincha. We are studying Masechet Makkot.
*CBAJ ZOOM ROOM (weekday classes only) Go to Enter meeting ID: 940 508 9347 | Enter passcode: 613518
SENIOR LUNCH & LEARN * A Theodore Strauss z"l Endowment Fund sponsored program
The Lunch & Learn for Seniors with Rabbi Kean will resume after the High Holy Days on 10/24. Please contact our events coordinator Beth Liotta Tyler at 518.489.5819 x4 or for more information.
The Dee Pirkei Avot project disseminates a weekly Pirkei Avot study and discussion sheet in honor of their memory of Lucy, Maia, and Rina, z''l, who were killed in a terrorist attack this year.
Candle Lighting Friday, September 15 6:47 pm Erev Rosh Hashanah
"Just as my ancestors planted for me, so too do I plant for my descendants" Talmud, Taanit 23a
We are excited and honored to be partnering with 10 other local organizations in the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s LIFE & LEGACY™ program. Please help us pay it forward and leave a legacy for future Capital District Jews. Please speak to Paula Mosher or Ellen Kaplowitzthe Life & Legacy committee chairs about partnering on this crucial initiative to ensure the vitality of Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob for the next 200 years.
Upcoming JNF-USA Breakfast For Israel Jewish National Fund-USA will host its annual complimentary Breakfast For Israel on September 28th at the Albany Marriott, from 8-9 a.m. The event will be under the kosher supervision of the Vaad HaKashruth of the Capital District. CLICK HERE for more details and to register to attend.
Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob 380 Whitehall Rd Albany, NY 12208