Dear CBAJ Family,
On behalf of Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob, I would like to wish you and your family a restful and meaningful Shabbat.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for such a wonderful Shavuot! The Shavuot night dinner, Tikkun Leil Shavuot, and NCSY programming were filled with so much Torah, energy, and community.
Last week, I asked you to join in me in davening for Yair ben Rivka, a soldier in the IDF who was critically wounded in a recent operation in Gaza with connections to our Capital District community. It is with great sadness that I share with you that he succumbed to his wounds and died earlier this week. Tehei Nishmato Tzerurah Bitzror HaChayim - May his soul be bound in the bonds of life.
This week, I am very proud that after two and a half years, the Talmud class will be finishing Masechet Makkot! In order to mark this, we will make a siyum on Shabbat morning, following morning services, in lieu of my regular sermon. The conclusion of Masechet Makkot offers one of the most forceful articulations of Jewish hope and optimism in the face of suffering and destruction, and I plan to speak about this for the siyum. More generally, a siyum is a celebration of Masorah, the passing along the traditions of Torah She-b'al Peh (Oral Torah), and of dedication to Talmud Torah. It is my hope that joining together as a whole shul for this siyum will serve to strengthen those values.
In light of the news of the passing of Yair ben Rivka, the IDF soldier that we had been praying for a recovery for, the siyum on Makkot will be dedicated l'iluy nishmato, as a merit for Yair soul.
The New York State primary elections are on Tuesday, June 25. Please remember to vote in these important elections.
There are a couple of things that I believe you should know about the primary elections:
1. In many elections, especially in New York State, the primary is the more important election, where one party almost always wins.
2. In a number of our upcoming elections, including the extremely-tight Democratic primary for New York State Assembly for Assembly district 109, which includes the city of Albany and much of Albany County, different candidates have taken very different stances on antisemitism and Israel. If you wish to take these issues into account when voting, you may wish to research the candidates to see where they stand.
3. You may wish to contact Amidah Albany , a local Jewish and pro-Israel advocacy group founded in the wake of October 7, to receive their voter score card on Israel and Jewish issues. Their email address is: amidahalbany@gmail. com and their Instagram page is @amidahalbany.
I hope to see you soon at a tefilah, children's program, event, or class!
Am Yisrael Chai.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Ben Kean